A little genealogy

Our children's ancestors up to the 22nd generation

A few things to keep in mind :
° = born
x = married
+ = dead
(x) = unmarried
To find someone's parents : multiply his or her number by 2 to get the father and add 1 to get the mother. [example : person number 10 - father is 20 (10 x 2) et mother is 21 (20 + 1)]

Generation 1
1: our children

Generation 2
2: my husband - 3: myself

Generation 3
4: father's father : Auguste ROCHOY - 5: father's mother : Gabrielle VOLLANT
6: mother's father : René PIERRARD - 7: mother's mother : Renée NOEL

Following generations (on Geneanet)

Ancestors of Auguste ROCHOY

Ancestors of Gabrielle VOLLANT

Ancestors of René PIERRARD

Ancestors of Renée NOEL

top of the page

Updated : - Site map - contact - Graphics : Marie-Lise ROCHOY ; March 2009
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