The link to my Geneanet genealogical base is in the navigation menu under the button "Access my geneanet database". You will travel through the generations who lived before us. My branch is situated in Aisne, Ardennes, Marne, Meuse (France districts) and the Belgian district of Luxemburg. My husband's ancestors comme from the west part of Pas-de-Calais.
To work on this genealogy, I use Geneweb, a software by Daniel de Rauglaudre
My genealogical base is hosted by Geneanet, a database where you can find ancestors and cousins
I also placed on Geneanet a database for American friends. Their enigma found some answers, asked new questions and kept some parts in the dark. I am still hoping to find the right key.
I realised a website about Joseph LEPAUTE DAGELET, one of my 18th century cousins, a member of the LAPEROUSE expedition. It takes us in the steps of this expedition and its sad ending.
So fond of genealogy, I take part in the works of a group of people who trace the records in Marne, Meuse, Haute-Marne and Aisne. The recors can be viewed on the following websites.
Following these records, I realise this website :
A website useful to find a place in France.
The website Memoire des hommes is maintained by the Ministry of Defence, in memory of those who took part in the modern wars.
The Ministry of Defenxe also maintains the website Sepultures de guerre : you can find the places where soldiers are buried.
This website shows the evolution of the Champagne front during the 1914-1918 war
This website of the Association 1914-1918 allows us to learn more about this great war.
Here is a website about the prisoners of war during the 1939-1945 war
Many stories about our ancestors and how they lived.